Biyernes, Setyembre 28, 2012

Christian Dating Do’s and Don’ts for Women

Being a true Christian means that you should show it in every aspect in your life. As a Christian woman manoeuvring the challenging waters of dating, there are certain dos and don’ts that you should follow. These rules are based on what is instructed from the word of God, which is sadly often overlooked by a number of dating Christian singlesDon’t forget the teachings from the Bible and never forget to pray especially in dating.

Do check yourself if you are ready for a relationship.

You have no right leading a Christian man with good intentions when you know you can’t reciprocate this attention. Be kind and sensitive when dealing with suitors, and most of all, is honest.

Do make sure that the guy you are dating is a believer.

It is important that you ensure that you have the same faith as the guy that you are dating. This is actually specified in the scriptures that we should not be equally yoked with unbelievers. The Lord said that doing so could draw you away from your faith and away from Him.

Do let the person you are dating know where you stand in your faith.

Never let someone lead you to hold back on your faith. Since every Christian has their spiritual journey, don’t let yourself be a stumbling block for someone’s spiritual growth. Be a blessing instead and let this person grow more in Christ by what he can witness in your life. Dating doesn’t have to be about the romance but also how you both can be closer in and towards Christ.

Do know the person better.

Just because a guy is Christian means that he is readily the right one for you. Be very careful in choosing a mate, and you can help find him in prayer. Ask for the wisdom to see what is right according to the scriptures. Get to know this person better and also see whether you have the same values and outlook about faith.

Do present yourself decently.

As a Christian woman, you should be responsible for taking care of the purity of the man you are dating. This means that you should also dress decently and speak in a well-mannered way. Let your actions and the way you present yourself be a blessing instead of a temptation. Be someone who can bring him closer to the Lord, rather than farther away from him.

Don’t be afraid to ask someone out.

Just because you are a girl doesn’t mean you just have to wait for a guy to ask you out. Inviting a guy that you are interested is a good thing especially if you do it in a polite and respectable manner.  This doesn’t mean that you are balsy, it simply means that you like to get to know a person better. Don’t let anyone’s opinion matter especially when you only have pure intentions in mind.

Don’t allow yourself to be in spiritually compromising situations.

We are all aware about the risks with romantic relationships. If your sights away from the commandments of the Lord and from the purity that he demands from you,  you should be very wise where and how you spend your dates. Avoid situations that would make you two vulnerable to your own human weaknesses.

Don’t close yourself from the world.

If you want to find a good single Christian man, put yourself in the right places and surround yourself with the right people. Go to gatherings after church, go to church camps or maybe go on Christian online dating services. Open yourself to meeting new people. This will also allow you to grow as a person.

Don’t think that dating will immediately lead to marriage.

Yes, we should date for the purpose of marriage, but don’t put so much expectations into a single date thinking that this is the one. Give you and your date that time when you really get to know each other, and see if you both should take your relationship further.

God said in the Proverbs 4:23, “above all else guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” For you to be able to do this, you have to pray for every decision you make and to open your heart to what the Lord teaches about dating in the Bible. It guides you not only on finding the right person but also prepare you to be the right woman for someone.  

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Huwebes, Setyembre 6, 2012

Dating Tips 101: How to have a Successful Date Night

If you are looking for more substance in your relationships, you must first know how to be a good person to date. It takes more than flowers and chocolates to make this work. So read on, and know the ten secrets of how to be successful and effective at dating.

If you want to be a good date, you must know how to communicate. Yes, this might not be easy especially for those who do not have the gift of the gab. But what is important is that you must learn when to speak and when to listen. This will show your date that you are someone interesting and at the same time it will tell them that you are interested in them too.

A good date can also be made possible when you maintain good eye contact and body mechanics. Eye contact shows that you are genuinely interested and that you are confidents, while body mechanics also echo this. Stand or sit up straight and know your physical boundaries.

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If you want to start out a relationship the healthy way, you must also learn how to choose the places where you find a possible partner. Usually a club wouldn’t be the best place considering that intoxication and other factors can cloud any clear judgment. Although this is not to say that clubs are bad places, but you can also expand the areas where you search.

Wear a pleasant demeanor when you are out on a date. Nobody was ever attracted to someone who radiates negativity. That is why you have to be more becoming by wearing a friendly expression. This will also help the other person interact with you better.

You should also know how when enough is enough when it comes to sharing information. Going overboard can usually overwhelm a first date, so save some for later. Let them grow into you, and not bear out your soul the first moment you meet. This will also keep the interest brewing in the relationship.

Another important reminder when it comes to successful dating is to make sure that you are free to date. If you have unfinished business with the past, you can never expect the next one to run smoothly. Do not overlap relationships, and have the decency to end the previous before you even start something new with someone else.

When you are confident, happy and contented with or without someone will allow you to become a person who your date would not only go out with once, but maybe for the long term. First of all, self-confidence is attractive. Second, is that no one likes someone who is clingy and extremely emotionally dependent.

You should also know your worth as a person. When you have established that and not underestimate yourself, you are more likely to find someone who will respect that.

You must also know within yourself what it exactly that you are looking for in a relationship is. If you are unaware of this, you end up becoming frustrated with the person you are dating, or you fail to make compromises. So you both have to establish what is it exactly that you want to make out of what you have.

And lastly, one of the ways that will allow you to be more successful at dating is to try other ways. It means that you not only limit yourself to typical dating but also expand your options by maybe trying out online dating. If you really want to see some changes, you have to make the effort and you have to find the right sources that you can tap on.

About Christian Dating Guide - Offers best Christian dating advice for christian singles, what does the bible say about christian courting plus read our brutally honest christian dating service review by checking our website today.